Tanglebriar Nubians

Healthy, happy, hand-raised dairy goats.

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Tanglebriar Nubians

Elita Baldridge


1115 Road 135

Emporia, KS 66801




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Reason's Kidding

Reason's kids were born at 8:45-ish 2 February 2016.  It was a very easy birth, and she had twins, a doeling and a buckling.  Both dam and kids seem in great shape so far, fingers crossed.  The kids are being raised on a CAE prevention routine just in case, although all of my does were purchased CAE negative.  

I spotted Reason going into early labor yesterday evening, but it did not get serious until this morning, and then it was all over easily and quickly.  The kidding was so easy, that Reason actually delivered both of her kids while I ran inside to make a hot water bottle, as it was a chilly morning, and I thought we were close to kidding, but not that close.  Apparently, I was mistaken, as I came out and there were two beautiful kids laying in the straw.  She was very considerate, as I got a pretty good night sleep, and the kids were born in the morning.  Of course, they were born in the cold this morning instead of the warm this afternoon, but one can't have everything.

More pictures of Reason's kids can be found on the Tanglebriar Goats Tumblr.